So far, I have contributed to the "How Businesses Use Social Networking Sites" section of the class wiki. In my writings I have discussed how businesses have used social networking sites for consumer analysis. Businesses purchase and analyze consumer information that is posted on sites such as Facebook and Twitter in order to gain a competitive advantage by getting into the minds of consumers all over the world. Businesses use these sites in order to find trends and to strategically direct advertisements towards consumers that show interest in what the business offers. Also, businesses use these sites for consumer relations in attempt to become more aware of how consumers view the companies. I also explained how businesses use social networking sites in order to find out more personal information and details on possible new employees and applicants. Social networking sites are becoming a widely used tool utilized by companies in their recruiting process.
I plan on contributing a substantial amount of more information to our class wiki. I would like to add some information to sections of the wiki including politics and P2P sharing. Some general points I would like to make about new media in politics is how politicians use new media in efforts to help their campaigns and create more awareness of what they stand for. Politicians have used new media with intentions to create more personal relationships with followers as opposed to business or formal relationships. Also, I would like to talk about how P2P file sharing has become a globally used technology and has dramatically contributed to the spread and sharing of data and information using internet channels.
9 Of Cups Advice
11 months ago
In response to businesses using social networking to find info about applicants and employees: I did research on how the interview process is also changing over time. Instead of having interviews in person, they are now using skype or other video chats to speak to the interviewees. I thought it was great, considering that traveling may be time consuming. It is definitely a good way of using the new media!